Rishik Chakraborty

input(" Who is this kid? ")

return "My name is Rishik Chakraborty. I'm a 10th-grade student at St. Marcellinus SS. I love learning how to code, I enjoy solving math problems, and I write blogs!"

What is my goal for the future?

As a man of numbers and logic, I want to become a software engineer.

Heres some of the stuff I'm doing to work towards that goal ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Some quirky facts about me… 

1. I don't like listening to a song starting from the middle.

2. I like chai-maybe a little too much.

3. I ask a lot of questions. So be prepared lol…


Canadian Computing Contest (CCC Junior)

Score of 63. Top 8%


ICDC Qualifier (Leadership) Top 10 Winner (BFS)
VP of Training (Finance)

Speaker at HealthCareCoding

Spoke about quantum computing in front of 50+ students

National Lifeguard (NL)

CPR C/Standard First Aid issued by Lifesaving Society 

RCM Level 8 (piano)

Theory: 96% 
Practical: 80%

Medium Blogs 

Written technical articles published in students x students with 600+ views  

Cayley Contest

Score of 125; Top 7%

Gauss Contest

Grade 7: Score of 138; Top 4%
Grade 8: Score of 120; Top 15%

Congress of Black Women Volunteering

Head Secretary, and English Tutor 

Mathematica Centrum Contest

Grade 9: Score of 38; Top 5% (completed 1 year early)

Spirit of Math Gr.7/8/10

Graduated with first-class honors (90+). Completed Grade 10 one year early. 


Junior team, ROPSSAA champions 

Conferences and Hackathons


ICDC Qualifier (Leadership) Top 10 Winner (BFS)
VP of Training (Finance)

Speaker at HealthCareCoding

Spoke about quantum computing in front of 50+ students

StarterHacks 2024

Built AutoAlert: a computer vision model aimed at detecting car theft with a react native app.


Built SmartSeed: A tensorflow model aimed at detecting plant health and nutrient defencies with a react.JS web app.


Built SafeConnections: a machine learning model aimed at detecting trafficking messages with a react.JS web app for the texting platform.